The Activist Angler

The Activist Angler, aka Stephen Duncombe, lives and works in New York City and spends whatever free time he has on the tip of Cape Cod. An activist since his late teens, he has walked picket lines while organizing grocery workers, built houses in Nicaragua during their civil war, been arrested protesting with ACT-UP, and co-founded a community activist group in the Lower East Side of Manhattan that received an award for “creative activism” from the Abbie Hoffman Foundation. Over the past decade, he has traveled the country and globe training activists to create more like artists and artists to strategize more like activists. An avid fisherman in his youth, he put down his rod and reel for over forty years. Looking for a physical retreat and mental break during the pandemic of 2020 he took them up again and now spends far too many (or not nearly enough) hours on the ocean beaches, bay jetties, and kettle ponds of the Outer Cape and the river piers and park lakes of NYC, fishing and thinking.